Riding road safety group Pass Wide and Slow has shared a hard-hitting new video, which coincided with this year’s awareness rides taking place across the country.
The film includes footage sent to the group, as well as tragic reports of riders and horses killed on the roads, to bring home the important message of driving carefully around horses and other vulnerable road users.
“We hope by using actual stories and footage, the video will reach more people and show them how to pass horses safely on the roads so we can all get home safe,” said group founder, Debbie Smith.
Click here to view the video. Please note, contains upsetting content
From its beginnings in 2017, the group has encouraged groups of riders and carriage drivers to take part in Pass Wide and Slow Awareness Rides annually. In the first year, 20 groups took part and they helped spread the message of taking car passing horses on the roads, and how to do so safely. Since then, the awareness rides have gone on from strength-to-strength with 178 taking place last year.

This year, more than 200 groups were due to go out nationwide on or around 18 September, but with the passing of The Queen, a discussion was held with the co-ordinators of the rides and the majority felt they still wanted to proceed, but to incorporate a tribute to Her Majesty. All the rides and drives held a two-minute silence at the start of their route and everyone was asked to wear either a black armband or black ribbons on their horses as a mark of respect. One ride also laid a wreath in honour of The Queen.

“We encouraged other vulnerable road users, such as walkers and cyclists to join them and show solidarity on what we consider to be very dangerous issues for anyone using the roads,” said Debbie. “The 2022 ride and drives were again supported by local police forces, MPs, mayors, councillors and a few local celebrities and local heroes, either by their attendance or publicly announcing their support.

“2022 is even more important with the changes to the Highway Code launched in January and especially with the distinct lack of publicity to non-equestrians regarding how to pass horses safely on the roads.”
Many of the rides took place on 18 September, with others scheduled later in the month, and the last planned for 16 October.