2 winners* will each receive a Mackey Keadeen Plus turnout rug

Two lucky readers will each win a Mackey Keadeen Plus turnout rug. This full neck turnout is made with 600 denier (D) ripstop outer and a cosy 100g filling.

Waterproof and breathable, the rug has an anti-rub 210D polyester lining and features twin strap breast buckles, leg gussets, a tail flap, detachable leg straps and cross surcingles with rubber rings.

There are reflective strips on the front, back and on tail flap

4 winners* will an Absorbine Hoof Care Package

Four lucky winners will each receive an autumn hoof care kit from Absorbine containing Hooflex Natural Liquid, SuperShine Hoof Polish & Sealer Clear and Hooflex Frog and Sole Care.

Hooflex Natural Liquid is an all-natural hoof dressing that helps maintain the hooves’ natural moisture balance while enhancing natural hoof colour. It contains herbal ingredients including tea tree oil, arnica, comfrey and avocado oil.

Hoof Polish & Sealer Clear gives hooves a magnificent, high-gloss mirror-like finish. Its quick-drying formula helps prevent dirt and dust from settling on the show-winning shine.

Hooflex Frog and Sole Care helps soothe the hoof and eliminates odours caused by bacteria and fungi. The liquid formula penetrates the frog and sole tissue and will not sting, stain or dry the hoof.

4 winners* will receive a bundle of Horslyx Respiratory Balancer products

Four lucky readers will each win a 15kg Horslyx Respiratory Balancer to help support a healthy respiratory system, a 15kg Horslyx Holder, plus a 650g Respiratory Mini Horslyx to help encourage your horse to do his stretches.

Horslyx Respiratory Balancer is designed to provide a two-pronged approach to good respiratory health with menthol, eucalyptus and aniseed supporting the airways while the high specification antioxidant helps maintain immunity.

Horslyx Respiratory Balancer includes the full spectrum of vitamins, minerals and trace elements required to balance deficiencies in forage and grazing, along with good quality proteins, an antioxidant package and linseed oil to help the coat shine.

5 winners* will each receive a Starlight Stables Gang Pack

We have teamed up with This Esme to offer some fabulous prizes.

Our first prize winner will receive signed hardback collector editions of The Starlight Stables Gang and Jessie and the Star Rider (books 1 and 2 in the series), plus ThisEsme merch.

Four runners-up will win signed hardback collector editions of The Starlight Stables Gang and Jessie and the Star Rider (books 1 and 2).

There are currently two books in this fun and heart-warming adventure series. The Starlight Stables Gang: A new friendship, a missing pony and a mystery to solve and Jessie and the Star Rider: True friendship, saving the stables and the ultimate riding star…

Both are written in collaboration with renowned children’s author, Jo Cotterill, and feature a diverse cast of characters and strong themes of inclusion, empathy, friendship, and adventure.

*UK winners only

The closing date is 12 October 2023

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