A simple phone call has the power to change a neglected horse’s life forever.

This is the message shared by World Horse Welfare following the rescue of young mare, Chelsea.

Chelsea was among a herd of 32 horses taken in by the charity following a call to their welfare line.

A member of the public saw Chelsea was in need of attention, with a large hernia on her side, and got in touch with World Horse Welfare.

Her owners were no longer able to cope with the number of animals on site, which had grown due to uncontrolled breeding.

To add to the complications, the horses were unhandled, very nervous and had numerous health problems.

Chelsea, who was only two at the time, was found to be in foal and was terrified of human contact.

Following careful management by the charity, the youngster and her companions have transformed and are now able to be handled by staff.

Chelsea has since had a healthy foal, Buena, and her hernia will be operated on in the near future, now she is no longer expecting.

“Chelsea was really frightened; we couldn’t get anywhere near her,” said World Horse Welfare field officer Becky Bedson.

“The grooms here are so clever, they work very, very carefully with these nervous horses and it is amazing how they can turn these feral horses around in just a few months to become social horses that can be touched and stroked and hopefully rehomed.

“Without that initial call to the UK Welfare Line we would not have been in a position to give Chelsea the life she deserves.”

The charity’s confidential UK Welfare Line receives 8,000 calls annually from members of the public and their concern enables a nationwide team of field officers to attend over 1,500 potential welfare cases a year.

Big Give

By donating to World Horse Welfare’s Big Give #ChristmasChallenge20 (1-8 December), members of the public can double the difference they make for horses like Chelsea.

During this time, every penny you donate to the charity via the Welfare Line Appeal (thebiggive.org.uk) will be doubled.

“Like Chelsea, many of the mares that came in were pregnant, which further adds to the number of animals needing care,” added Becky.

“It takes many months and thousands of pounds to look after and rehabilitate horses like Chelsea, to give them the chance of the life they deserve, and she is just one of over 300 in the care of the charity today.

“When Chelsea and Buena are ready, they will be offered for rehoming, which will then create a space at the centres for more horses in need to be taken in.”

Members of the public with concerns about horses are encouraged to call the World Horse Welfare UK Welfare Line on 0300 333 6000.