A piebald pony was spotted wandering the aisles of Tescos in Cardiff earlier this month.

Amused shoppers in Pengam Green caught the little cob on camera as he pottered around the store, sniffing products and exploring his unusual circumstances.

Eventually the pony, who remained remarkably calm, was led from the supermarket and returned to his nearby field.

“We can only guess that the pony was tempted in by our Low Everyday Prices on oats,” a Tesco spokesman told Metro.

Rival store Aldi joined in the fun, sharing a video of the pony on Twitter, “when Tesco try and match the middle aisle”, they said.

Helping local ponies

Local scheme The Healthy Horse Project recently became part of Tesco’s charity scheme. The voluntary non-profit community project is dedicated to supporting travellers and their horses for a brighter future.

“We have been running for four years and have had no abandoned horses for over a year now, when we used to see the heartbreaking sight every three months,” said a spokesman for the project. “It affected the community tremendously. By supporting the owners it has helped the horses’ health.”

The horses the charity has taken in are used in our community for equine therapy. They have also stated loaning horses from travellers, with the money going back to the owner.

“We are now part of the Tesco charity scheme where you can place the blue chips into the box on exit for us to receive funding for our project,” the spokesman added. “The last four years it has been funded by our founder who pays all the costs to cover the project, from vet bills for sick and abandoned horses, to transport and housing. It’s all expensive to run and funding will help the future of the project.”

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