An owner has shared details of her horse’s fatal field accident in hope that it will help others be aware of the risks posed by wire-supported electricity poles. Evie Brokenshire’s mare, Maze, had to be put to sleep earlier this year after spooking and running into such a wire and injuring herself severely.

Evie told Your Horse that Maze was found one morning struggling to walk up the field with a very nasty wound. The vet was called out immediately and found Maze had an 8cm-deep laceration to her chest, and it was agreed that the kindest option was to put her to sleep.

Evie described Maze as “the sweetest little thing”, who loved to jump and roll in the mud. Evie had owned her for eight months and in that time they had formed a strong bond, enjoying cross-country and attending local shows together.

“She was the most bomb-proof horse I have ever owned, the least of my three I would have thought would get injured,” she said.

Following her loss, Evie wants to try to prevent other horses from being involved in accidents involving electricity poles. Since Maze’s accident, the family has closed of the field where the electricity pole stands and the other two horses, her mother’s and her childhood pony, are turned out in another paddock.

“When I shared what happened on social media I was really surprised how many other horses had had accidents involving these poles, it’s not something I had heard about, but now I really hope I can help warn other people of the risks.”