A tack shop in Faversham, Kent, has been targeted by brazen thieves, who cleared their stock of Helite air jackets on Tuesday (21 May).

Two men entered the store at Saddlesdane Equestrian, Ashford Road, Badlesmere, and asked if they stocked Helite Air Jackets (as pictured above). They then picked up every such jacket and ran out of the shop.

“A total of 10 jackets were taken, and still not recovered,” said a member of the Saddlesdane team. “The men entered the shop at 11.59am and were out the door within 80 seconds of arriving.

“The first man approached staff and asked if we were busy, he asked if we stocked air jackets, pointed in the right direction and they said they would let us know if they needed any help. They picked up every jacket including hangers and left the premises into a getaway car waiting for them.”

“It’s such a shame people commit these crimes,” they said, and added that they hoped by spreading the message far and wide they could make the items too hot to handle.

Anyone with any information is urged to contact Saddlesdane or Kent Police either online at kent.police.uk or by calling 101 and quoting reference number 21-0524. Reports can be made to Crimestoppers anonymously at crimestoppers-uk.org or on the phone by calling 0800 555 111.