Next month’s Royal Windsor Horse Show (11-14 May) is drawing closer, and as preparations are made for this year’s event, showjumpers Joe Stockdale and Jack Whitaker – who will be competing in the CSI5* jumping – took a day out of their training schedule to visit another of the show’s favourites – The Musical Ride of the Household Cavalry Mounted Regiment.

©RWHS/Peter Nixon

Footage from the tour of the Household Cavalry’s Hyde Park Barracks, which gives a unique insight into how preparations are going for Royal Windsor, can be seen below.

Captain Godwin, Musical Ride Officer, The Household Cavalry Mounted Regiment – the first female Musical Ride Officer of the Household Cavalry Mounted Regiment – said: “It was an absolute pleasure to host the Royal Windsor Horse Show ambassadors Jack Whitaker and Joe Stockdale at The Household Cavalry Mounted Regiment.

©RWHS/Peter Nixon

“Throughout the day we were able to exchange insightful information on the preparation for such a prestigious, world-renowned show. Whether competing or performing, there are many similarities and both require a momentous team effort.

©RWHS/Peter Nixon

“The Musical Ride troops are looking forward to performing in such a spectacular setting, in front of the Castle and crowds of Windsor. It is a unique opportunity and great privilege, there is a real sense of excitement in the build up to the show.”

©RWHS/Peter Nixon

Looking ahead to Royal Windsor Horse Show, Jack Whitaker explained why he loves competing at the prestigious event.

©RWHS/Peter Nixon

“Royal Windsor Horse Show is so special and has such a unique atmosphere, as a British rider it is an incredible feeling to canter into the Castle Arena and hear a loud cheer from the home crowd,” he said. “There’s always so much going on at the Show and the Household Cavalry have been a part of it for as long as I can remember. It’s been amazing to come to the Barracks and see how much goes on behind the scenes to get the horses and riders ready to perform in public.”

©RWHS/Peter Nixon

Of his experience with The Musical Ride of the Household Cavalry Mounted Regiment, Joe added: “It has been an incredible day learning about how the Musical Ride of the Household Cavalry prepare for large occasions such as Royal Windsor Horse Show, from the in-house farriers and saddlers to watching the Troopers rehearse, it has been so insightful.

©RWHS/Peter Nixon

“Royal Windsor is such a prestigious show, and as a rider it is a real honour to go there and compete against the very best in the world.”

©RWHS/Peter Nixon

Lead image ©RWHS/Peter Nixon

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