Equine charity Brooke has released its Christmas animation for 2023, ‘The Christmas Wish List’, which aims to encourage animal lovers around the world to spare a thought for working horses, donkeys and mules. The one-minute film demonstrates the importance of compassion and community in bringing long-lasting change.

The clip features Dorothy, a girl writing her Christmas list with the help of Dinky Donkey, Harry the Horse and Molly the Mule. As Dorothy’s list progresses, including new shoes, snacks and a hairbrush, it is revealed that these presents are not for her, but the animals instead. All Dorothy really wants is for her friends to have what they need to be happy.

“At Christmas, Brooke has the opportunity to get festive and fun, which an animation is perfect for,” said Jamie Whear, Media and Content Manager at Brooke. “Our supporters love Dinky, Harry and Molly, and they’ve become an annual feature in our Christmas celebrations and materials.

“We hope the message is still clear though. Around the world, people’s beloved animals aren’t just companions – they’re part of people’s working lives too and they need our help.”

Over 100 million equines pull carts, carry goods and work the land, earning an income that around 600 million people rely on around the world. Brooke works with owners, communities, service providers, governments and international organisations to make long lasting welfare improvements.

Learn more about how you can support working animals this Christmas at Brooke Shop, where you can buy virtual gifts such as first aid kits for owners, permanent water points for horses and donkeys, or training for a local vet.

Watch this year’s Brooke Christmas animation, ‘The Christmas Wish List,’ here.

Lead image by Xaume Olleros for Brooke

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