There are just 10 days left to save a popular Riding for the Disabled (RDA) stables in London.

Park Lane Stables in Teddington faces closure due to the imminent sale of its site, and staff are desperately working to secure its future.

The RDA centre is also a popular Pony Club and grassroots pony racing base.

In recent times, staff and ponies have been cheering up the local community by visiting those shielding or self-isolating in their homes, so they can wave to the ponies through their windows.

Since a crowd funding page was set up by centre manager Natalie O’Rourke, more than £495,000 has been raised, almost half way to the total needed to purchase the stables.

“We are feeling amazing, so supported and positive,” she told Your Horse. “We feel as though the equine community are really getting behind us to help us reach our goal. We know there is a short time left but we believe we can do it!”

‘Rewards’ are being offered to those donating to the cause, ranging from pony postcards to the supporter’s name on a horse’s stable door, or being given the opportunity to name a horse or pony.

If the campaign is successful, each person who has pledged support will be thanked with an invitation to a pony meet and greet at the stables.

“This is an ‘all-or-nothing’ campaign, so if we don’t achieve our target all your pledges will be returned to you at the end of the campaign,” said Natalie.

“All funds are held securely by Crowdfunder for the duration of the campaign.”

The appeal has reached the attention of national press and broadcast platforms, including Good Morning Britain, BBC London and ITV Racing.

Celebrities have also shared their support, such as Clare Balding, Rob Brydon and Eastenders actor John Altman (pictured).

Last month the campaign was given a further boost when the site was granted listed as an asset of community value.

In a normal year, the stables provide over 3,000 sessions of therapeutic riding, including hippotherapy and carriage driving. There is a long waiting list of adults and children with disabilities in need of its services.

“I would like to say a huge thank you to everybody who has contributed to the ‘Save Our Stables’ fundraising campaign so far,” added Natalie. “The generosity and community strength at this tough time in our history has been truly heartening.

“The stables provide a lifeline for many families that will be devastated to lose the horses from the community”.

To show your support, visit