Since the snow was falling last week we thought it was a great opportunity for you to share pictures of your own horses checking out the winter wonderland. Here are some of the responses:

My ex race and mums section b.
Aimee Pankhurst

Topsy is still not sure what to make of the snow after 17 years.
Bloss Grant

Coco rather enjoyed the snow, she loved galloping around snorting!
Cheyanne Kirby

Our eight just after they’d been turned out in the morning.
Judith Costello

Three-year-old Kiki in the snow.
Kayleigh Rose Chappell

My four-legged family: Zippy my 16-year-old ex-racehorse and Mali & Boo my gorgeous hounds!
Kirsty Jenkins

25-year-old Sox had an absolute blast.
Laura Harrison

Ezabelah enjoying a stretch in the snow.
Natalie Evans

Queenie (18) enjoying the snow in Abergavenny.
Tiz Snook